Madden '95 (UE) [S][!]
Madden '96 (U) [S][!]
Madden '97 (U) [S][!]
Magic Maze (Sachen) [!]
Magnetic Soccer (U)
Malibu Beach Volleyball (U) [!]
Marble Madness (U) [!]
Mario & Yoshi (E) [!]
Mario's Picross (UE) [S][!]
Maru's Mission (U) [!]
Matthias Sammer Soccer (G) [S][!]
Maus, Die (E) (M4) [M]
Max (UE) [!]
McDonaldland (U) [!]
Megalit (U) [!]
Megaman - Dr. Wily's Revenge (U) [!]
Megaman II (U) [!]
Megaman III (U) [!]
Megaman IV (U) [!]
Megaman V (U) [S][!]
Mercenary Force (UE) [!]
Metal Masters (U)
Metroid II - Return of Samus (W) [!]
Mickey Mouse (UE) [!]
Mickey Mouse - Magic Wand (U) [S][!]
Mickey's Dangerous Chase (U) [!]
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (U)
Micro Machines (E) [!]
Micro Machines 2 (U)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (U) [S][!]
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (U) [S]
Millipede - Centipede (UE) [S][!]
Milon's Secret Castle (U) [!]
Miner 2049er (U) [!]
Missile Command (U) [M][!]
Mole Mania (U) [S][!]
Momotarou Dengeki (J) [T+Eng0.91_Toma]
Monopoly (U) [M][!]
Monster Max (U) (M6)
Monster Truck Wars (U) [!]
Montezuma's Return (E) (M5) [M][!]
Mortal Kombat (U) [!]
Mortal Kombat 3 (U) [!]
Mortal Kombat I & II (UE) [!]
Mortal Kombat II (U) [!]
Motocross Maniacs (U) [!]
Mousetrap Hotel (U)
Mr Nutz (U)
Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise (U) [!]
Mr. Do! (U)
Ms. Pac-Man (U) [!]
Muhammad Ali's Boxing (U)
Mysterium (U)
Mystic Quest (E) [!]
Mystical Ninja (U) [S][!]
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