Monday, July 16, 2012

Kirby's Block Ball (U) [SGB]

Game Genie Codes:

Debug Menu 0B1-E7F-D52 Boss is boss "viewer". It will show the boss appearance demo, but you can't actually fight him. The value is selectable from 01-12, but selecting 12 will crash the game.
Dance is stage-completed demo viewer. Your score is always set to 0. The value is selectable from 01-12, but selecting 12 will freeze the game.
Demo is pre-stage demo viewer, and can be used as stage selector too. But unfortunately, you can't select individual level. The value is selectable from 01-12. 12 is "Border line cleared" screen.
The lives icon will modify your amount of lives. Pressing A button on this option will start the boss viewer.
The star icon will modify your amount of stars. Pressing A button on this option will start the boss viewer.
Bonus is bonus game selector. 01 is air hockey game, 02 is cloud game, 03 is up/down game, and 04 is star catcher game. For some reason, only air hockey and star catcher games are playable; all other games will stop working when Kirby lands on a paddle.
Level is bonus game difficulty. The value is selectable from 00-04. 00 is easiest, 04 is hardest. Pressing A button on this option will start the currently selected bonus game.
Ending is ending viewer. 00 is Good Ending, 01 is Bad Ending, 02 is Hi-Score Present/Award.
Title freezes the game.

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